Lessons 2018 taught me ☺️

2018 is about to come to an end, and I honestly couldn’t have been happier. I’ve had issues with myself, with a lot of people and issues with myself again. Without any hesitancy, I am voluntarily willing to categorise this year as one of the worst years in my life of 22 years. But when I really think about it, there were a lot of lessons as well that I managed to pick along the way. Read along!

1. Don’t compromise on your health:


I used to be a strong supporter of Bharatnatyam and Badminton throughout my school years. I have battled PCOD throughout my colorful years of college and that’s when I realised that playing a sport or being physically active in general wasn’t a hobby anymore. I had to keep myself involved in either sports or gymming or something to stay fit and in shape. That’s when I decided to join Zumba in 2016. It re-introduced me to dance and that’s when I felt livelier than ever. Fast forwarding a few years, I finished graduation, started working and studying again, and my fitness regime had gone for a toss. I slept at insanely hours keeping up with assignments, early morning college and a day full of office. It was crazy, especially the second semester. When I got done with my course, I started walking 5 kms daily before office and have tried my best to keep going. I have rejoined Zumba, and although I feel like I am dying after every class, I know for a fact how difficult it is to lose weight, and honestly being healthy and fit is my numero uno priority right now. It a permanent key to good health. Start now!

2. Relationships need more than just a title:


Whether two people are friends, a mother-daughter duo, two people in a relationship or just two strangers getting to know each other, all of it needs some work from both sides. You cannot assume that things will work the same way forever and there’ll come a time when you will feel / someone will make you feel that you’re not investing enough and equally. There can also be cases where you want something to work out so badly, that you start overwhelming the other person with the pressure of keeping up. Give relationships more time, some spring instantly and some just need more nourishment. Some blend and turn out to be a better combination simply because of the breathing space you’ve given it.

Another important aspect is being absolutely yourself and generous. There is no place for selfishness in a relationship, for it only burns time, energy and emotions.

3. Pursue your passion:


I know for a fact about how passionate I am about writing. But another part of me also wants a stable career. See what I did there, I had already assumed that writing wouldn’t be able to give me the success that would help me fulfil all my dreams. That’s where most of us go wrong. We’re willing to dream and curse our luck, but unwilling to walk the extra mile towards achieving heights. Each day I go to bed feeling unsatisfied with my efforts for the day, silently wondering if there would ever be a day when I would be truly happy with myself for doing good enough. But these are the effects of not being involved enough in your passions and working each day to improve a little. So just go for it without any worries, for you have a world full of people willing to support you.

4. Mend broken ties:


As I write this, I have a ton of images flash through my mind. The number of people I’ve hurt this year and also the ones I haven’t been able to say the truth to. The fear of rejection, the thought of being misunderstood are just symptoms of being a worried soul. So what if you have to explain twice, and so what if you fail? What if you’re rejected? At least you were being true to yourself and honestly if you don’t have the courage to say the truth, it’s a long journey ahead, my friend!

5. Invest in yourself:


Investing in yourself comes in various ways, a few of them being splurging on yourself, and putting to use what you own. I have spent the entire year cribbing about how I have nothing to wear and how I hadn’t shopped for an entire year. Now that I take a look in this huge-ass closet of mine, I realised there were so many things I had barely used and worn, Lesson – things wear out, with or without use. I had the same kind of encounters with my mom regarding the books that I own and how I need a lot more. (House Library goals?) I started reading the ones that I had hoarded and not bothered reading and, for the first time, I felt enough. I had to make use of what I possessed in order to appreciate the newness that would eventually make its way into my life. Don’t stop yourself from doing the things that have always brought you joy simply because others will judge you. Make time for things like reading, music or even developing a new hobby, they will help you to broaden your horizon and widen your scope of activities.

6. It’s a long journey and nothing is ever going to be perfect:


I just read today morning that waiting for the right moment might end up landing in a situation where you’re almost 50, still waiting for the perfect moment and haven’t spent a single minute enjoying life as it comes to you. And when you look back at all those years, you’ll realise how big of a mistake you’ve made waiting for the right timing. So, stop hesitating and just go for what your heart demands. Life often sends important lessons in disguise or even clear pictures which we fail to recognize. You never know where each new step will take you, so keep pursuing what feels right at that very moment.

7. Results aren’t everything:


This is absolutely true to the T. As long as you’re happy with your current path, the steps that you are taking and planning to take, nothing else matters. That includes the society and every damn thing that you get worried about going wrong. Determination is that one key that helps you overcome challenges in different ways, without even letting you doubt for a single minute that you could fail.

So, these were a few lessons that I felt 2018 taught me, there are many more, but I’m sure I’m still trying to make peace with them. Till then, spend some time remembering the moments that changed your lives in the slightest way and look forward to what is yet to come your way.


Simran ☺️


Follow me on Instagram for Travel, Thoughts, Food and a lot more!


  1. Navin Agarwal · December 26, 2018

    Very well Summarized and refreshingly you are very open about your thoughts which is great to see 🙂 Keep writing and yes this passion can lead you to a great career 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • shimmeringmystique · December 26, 2018

      Thanks so much for reading Navin ☺️ and yes, I’m extremely hopeful about it, haha!


  2. Heartobsessedcrazyfemale · December 26, 2018

    This is a lovely read and so well resonates with me. Loved it! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Boy Under the Bridge · January 8, 2019

    Definitely relatable some ones in there – especially around going to bed feeling like you haven’t done enough. I remind myself that I won the effort not the results. And even at times I’m not going to have the energy to take anymore swings.. . And that’s okay too. Sounds like you’re on the right track tho. Attitude determines your altitude they say! If you’d like to check out my 2018 reflection, it’s on my blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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